We had such a fun time at girls camp. I'm so happy to serve these young women and get to know them better. It was so much fun just messing around with them having a good time at camp. We did the zip line and that was super scary but fun! We also did some archery and sumo wrestling. Rolling around in the dirt with pillows stuffed in our clothes was so funny, we were laughing so hard! It was stake camp and the camp theme for each ward was a certain country. We learned a lot about our country China, but anyway that is why we did the sumo wrestling. These darling young women and the leaders truly teach me so much. The spirit is so strong at camp, especially during testimony meeting. I'm so happy to get to know all of them and the leaders better. All of the girls teach me so much. We have all become so close and I have come to love each and everyone of them.
I think you look darling in your sumo gear. OUr girls camp is the end of July and I am so sad to say I think it will be my last, sniff sniff. You do build a bond with the girls I remember when Boyd and I were first married I was the beehive advisor and one of my girls still keep contact with me, now she lives in Florida.
Young Women are the BEST! Not only does it look like you guys had a blast - but I'm sure they just ADORE you! I have no doubt you are the PERFECT Young Women's leader!
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